Welcome to PE and Health

Mrs. Dorris

High SChool PE and Health

Person Swimming in Body of Water
Health Food Nutrition
Bold Playful Riso Stairs Shape
Thin Marker Oval Line

About Mrs. Dorris

I am very excited to be your PE and Health Teacher.

My husband, Jeff and I are very active and enjoy walking our dogs, riding our bikes, running, swimming and lifting weights. We also enjoy the Lake and the Ocean.

We have two adorable dogs that keep us very busy.

My goal for you in this class is to learn about fitness, healthy living, setting goals and to have FUN!

Smiling Woman in Pink Dress Standing by the Window

A few of my famous friends....

Dumbbell Weights Illustration
Gold Medal Badge
Trophy Illustration Sticker

Team Sports

"You gotta fight for your right to party."

Travis Kelce


"Fitness is not about being better than someone else, its about being better than you used to be."

Khloe Kardashian

Individual Sports

"You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get."

Michael Phelps
